Clent Hills circular walk 2

Start: Car park near to The Vine pub

Finish: As above

Length: 3.1 miles / 4.98 km

Weather: Bright and sunny.

Map Link


From the car park, cross the lane and walk up the path that goes up Jack Hill.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


After a short, steep climb take the second path on the right into Deep Wood.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


Clent Hills circular walk 2


Near to the gate where you leave Deep Wood.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


After leaving Deep Wood take the right fork, and head down hill.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


Clent Hills circular walk 2


The view across to Walton Hill.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


The Four Stones on the summit of Clent Hill may look ancient and mysterious, but they were actually created in the 1770s for Lord Lyttleton as a folly to be viewed by visitors from down in the valley.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


Clent Hills circular walk 2


Clent Hills circular walk 2


The view from Clent Hill to Wychbury Hill.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


After a short walk on St Kenelms Pass turn right up Walton Hill Road.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


After a short climb from the car park, the path and views open up.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


The views from Walton over to Clent Hill are not what they used to be, due to all the trees having grown so tall over the years.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


A broad, open path from the top of Walton Hill narrows and heads towards Moor Coppice.

Clent Hills circular walk 2


Take the path on the right that descends Nag Hill, back to the car park at Clatterbach Lane.

Clent Hills circular walk 2