Crackington Haven to St Gennys Church

Start: Crackington Haven

Finish: Crackington Haven

Length: 5.1 km/3.1 miles

Weather: Hot and sunny

Map Link


Another short walk from our stay in Crackington Haven.

From the car park, we took the path that climbs, diagonally up to Pencarrow Point.

Crackington Haven to St Gennys church walk


The view back to Crackington Haven.

Crackington Haven to St Gennys church walk


The steep steps that lead down to the valley.

Crackington Haven to St Gennys church walk


Walking up to Castle Point with Pencarrow Point and Cambeak in the background.

Crackington Haven to St Gennys church walk


St Gennys Church. A partly Norman church that was restored in 1871.

Crackington Haven to St Gennys church walk


There was no better way to finish the walk off than with a lovely Cornish pasty at the Cabin Cafe, Crackington.

Crackington Haven to St Gennys church walk